Push Notifications
Includes calendar notifications.
- Header / Title: 30 characters
- Description: 45 characters
- Icon (logo asset): 192x192 px
- Image asset: 492х328
- File type: jpg, jpeg, png
- No animation
- Max weight: 100 KB
All campaigns and ads must comply with the following policies:
- File types jpg, jpeg, png, gif
- Max weight: 100 KB
- All standard sizes* are available, you would adjust the width and height of the banner on the
* Sizes include:
- 300x250 Desktop/Mobile
- 180x150 Desktop/Mobile
- 728x90 Desktop/Mobile
- 160x600 Desktop/Mobile
- 300x600 Desktop/Mobile
- 300x50 Mobile
- 320x50 Mobile
- 168x28 Mobile
- 216x36 Mobile
- 120x20 Mobile
- 320x480 Mobile Fullscreen
- 480x320 Mobile Fullscreen
- 960x640 Mobile Fullscreen
- 640x960 Mobile Fullscreen
- 1136x640 Mobile Fullscreen
- 640x1136 Mobile Fullscreen
- and others..
We advise you to consult with your manager which size brings more traffic in your Geo.
Native Ads
- Header / Title: 65 characters
- Description: 255 characters
- WEB Icon: 150x150
- WEB banner: 492x328 or 200x150
- In-App Icon: 180x120
- In-App banner: 1200x627 or 320x16
- File type: jpg, jpeg, png
- Max weight: 500 KB
- Malware, phishing, auto-downloading software/files;
- Use of system alerts (fake virus, "scan alerts" or "technical support");
- Drugs of any kind;
- Alcohol or tobacco;
- Political advertising;
- Violence, terrorism related content;
- Offensive, abusive, nasty or hate-mongering content;
- Collecting push and calendar notification subscribers;
- Marketing materials that are protected by copyright and trademark laws;
- Fraud, false, misleading, re-produced information.
- Imitating famous brands or use of celebrity names.
Please note that campaigns are continually reviewed by our staff and an active
campaign can be
suspended at any time. If, after approval, a campaign was modified in a way that does not follow our
Guidelines, your account could be suspended or terminated.
1. Landing Pages Quality
Landing pages must be of a good quality, bad quality includes:
- bad quality images,
- content contain typos,
- misleading images,
- empty pages
- unreasonable amount of popups or overlays
- popup advertisements or overlays that cannot be closed
2. Brand logos / brand references
It is prohibited to use or imitate famous brands, companies, websites, applications, messengers,
browsers, postal services, newspapers or their web-based editions, government authorities, on ad content
and landing pages:
- Do not use known brand logos as icons (unless it is an official advertising or approved by the
copyright holder);
- Do not use known logos on the offer page (unless it is an official advertising or approved by the
copyright holder);
- Do not state that the product is advertised on behalf of the brand (unless it is an official
advertising or approved by the copyright holder);
- Do not use incorrectly spelled known brand names.
* Such logos include, but are not limited to: Adobe, Amazon, Apple, Google, Google Chrome,
Microsoft, Safari, Samsung, Yandex, Windows, etc.
3. Adult Content
Pornography, adult or mature content is strictly prohibited in cases of:
- Child Porn or sexualization of children, any materials that contain child erotic or pornography or
sexual exploitation of underaged persons.
- Zoo porn, any materials that contain pornography with human and non-human animals.
Campaigns and creatives containing this content will be rejected.
4. Nasty Content
Use of images and text materials that include any type of shock and nasty content is strictly prohibited.
This Includes images of various human secretions.
5. Violence/ Terrorism
Any materials related to violence, abuse, terrorism, discrimination, crime scene, weapons, bloody, brutal
videos and images are strictly forbidden.
6. Scary offers
Use of system alerts, any kind of malware, as well as imitation of system messages of operating systems
is forbidden on LPs and creatives. This includes:
- device viruses, device scans, sites infected with malware, and other system alerts of any kind that
would be seen by the user as alarming.
- false statements in the creatives like Viruses, unnecessary or suspicious files, device problem
Spreading scary false information is unacceptable and thus will be rejected.
Prohibited creatives examples: “You have 3 viruses”, “Your device is in danger”, “ “Your
device is hacked/infected”, “Update your software”, “Run a device scan”, “Download this antivirus”
Allowed creatives examples: to use creative information and landing pages about
possible or potential threats. Example: “Your device may be damaged”, “Your
account could have been hacked”, “Try fixing it here”.
7. Phishing and Fraud
Phishing and Fraud ad materials or Landing Pages are prohibited. This Includes:
- Ensuring the user about winning some prize/money/gift or crediting/transferring funds are forbidden.
Allowed to use creative information and landing pages about possible or
potential prize winning
(Example: “You may win”, “You can receive”).
- Notifications that resemble a message but do not explain the offer (so-called “empty messages”) are
- Promotion of brands which have been referred as misleading, suspicious or fraudulent by respective
authorities of the state are prohibited.
- Unofficial, untrue, false, misleading, invented, re-produced information (i.e. facts, news, offers,
solutions, guidelines) is prohibited.
- Advertising of citizenship/passport schemes is prohibited.
8. Malware
The ads must not contain malicious software or “malware” that may infect computers and mobile devices.
This includes:
- Usage of automatic downloading of any type of file/system is not allowed.
- Usage of Landing pages imitating technical support is not allowed.
- Offers with automatic dialing of phone numbers, or a request to send sms messages are prohibited.
- Push Notifications and Calendar subscriptions are forbidden for iOS and Android.
Campaigns with such Landings and Prelanders will be rejected.
Push subscriptions can be allowed in case a subscription form is used for additional monetization, not
blocking the screen and doesn’t mislead users into subscribing to offers by reloading or blocking the
offer page.
9. Pharmaceuticals
Allowed only a promotion of dietary supplements on natural components that are not regulated like
10. Gambling offers
Real Money Gambling offers are allowed if permitted by local laws of the target country or region.
Running gambling offers in the following countries is not allowed: Cyprus, Poland, United Arab
Emirates, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia and the United States of America (except Delaware, Georgia,
Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, US Virgin Islands (OT))
Fantasy gambling (no real money involved) offers are allowed with no restrictions.
11. Private names and politics
It is prohibited to use celebrities, public authorities, politicians, and other private names to
promote fake news, products or spread misleading and negative information.
Political advertising is prohibited.
Please note that your landing pages, prelanders, texts, images, and creatives must
comply with the
policies above. Adavice also reserves the right to reject any content for any reason at our sole
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at