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Micro Bidding - How to Set Price per Targeted Segment

Understand how Micro Bidding works and how to set it up for absolute optimization.

Before we start, you should note that Micro Bidding will only work if you have set up pixel tracking, meaning pixels are fired on Adavice DSP. Learn about tracking here.


Micro Bidding is a feature for those who want to optimize their campaigns for maximum performance.

Micro Bidding makes a custom bid for a parameter and treats it differently within a campaign. Learn more about how bids work here.

There are 13 such parameters (which you can combine):

The structure is the following: parameter:value:operation with a bid.

Parameter Value Example
sub_list_id enter an Subscribers List ID, e.g. 1197 sub_list_id:1254:-0.2
publisher_id enter a publisher ID, e.g. 48965 publisher_id:54651:+1
site_id enter a site ID, e.g. 41563 site_id:54785:/0.5
carrier enter a carrier, e.g. SFR carrier:LIF:+0.4
device mobile, computer, tablet, other device:mobile:*0.4
connection_type enter a connection type: wifi, cellular, ethernet connection_type:wifi:-0.1
ISP enter an Internet provider, e.g. Orange isp:orange:+0.1
OS enter an operating system, e.g. android 6 os:android 9:-0.9
weekday MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU weekday:fr:*0.4
hour put the number from 0 to 23 hour:15:-0.3
ip enter an IP, e.g. ip:
region / city / zip region / city / zip region:ca:+0.1 city:Chicago:-0.5 zip:90009:*0.2
creative_id enter a creative id, e.g. 55412 creative_id:55412:+0.7


Using a micro bidding feature you can decrease or increase the price by any custom value.

Operations with a bid:
+ --- add to a bid
- --- deduct from a bid
* --- multiply a bid
/ --- divide a bid

You can set up Micro Bidding in the Advanced Settings of the campaign here:


In Micro Bidding Field:


Let’s look through a couple examples when microbidding can help you to improve your results:

Example 1:
If your target CPA is $1, CPC bid is 0.4 (set in the campaign).
The most amount of traffic is coming from subscriber list 1254, but the overall CPA on this subscriber list is $2.
Typically people think about blacklisting, but blacklisting such a source will cut off a big slice of traffic and conversions. Reducing CPC just for 1254 i.e. by 50% would be a much better solution.

Here’s what you would set it up: sub_list_id:1254:-0.2

Full Field

Example 2:
If your target CPA is $5.
iOS 11 is the most converting OS, but the overall CPA is $7.
Blacklisting iOS will cut a significant amount of traffic and conversions, so you may consider reducing CPC just for iOS 11 i.e. by 20%.
Meaning you want to leave 80% of the pricing, your setup would look like this: os:ios 11:*0.8

Full Field

NOTE: If you use more than one rule (example below), e.g. country:ae:+0.2 and device:mobile:+0.3 in case, when both rules are followed 0.5 (0.2+0.3) will be added to the bid. Here is how it would look in your campaign settings:

Full Field


  • Set up is case sensitive - use only lowercase letters.
  • No extra spaces before or after the expression.
  • In some cases reducing a source price can significantly decrease or even pause traffic from the source, so monitor changes.

Micro bidding saves you money and time because you don't need to create multiple split campaigns or blacklist converting sources due to high CPA anymore.

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